Google Metadata Implicates SBF in Fraudulent Activities During Trial


On November 1, 2023, the closing arguments in the trial involving the defendant, known as SBF, showcased substantial evidence found in Google metadata that indicated his active involvement in creating and handling a particular spreadsheet linked to fraudulent financial activities, according to BitMEX Research. The case highlights the pivotal role of digital evidence in modern-day legal procedures.

Evidence Unveiled

The prosecution introduced Google metadata evidence, which revealed that SBF was the sole creator of a spreadsheet, labeled as Government Exhibit 5. This spreadsheet, created in early September 2022, outlined various lines of credit. The metadata demonstrated SBF’s role in creating this document which included detailed financial information, a task too intricate to be done from memory. This evidence contradicted SBF’s previous claim of having no knowledge or access to such data.

Financial Discrepancies Highlighted

One of the critical revelations was the discovery of a secret $65 billion line of credit from FTX to Alameda, which significantly impacted Alameda’s balance sheet. The spreadsheet unveiled the dire financial state of Alameda, with a negative balance of $5 billion, which further plummeted to $10 billion without considering the value of FTT coins created by the defendant for his company. These financial discrepancies were detrimental as they portrayed the clandestine borrowing from FTX customers, implying a severe breach of trust and potential fraud.

Corroborating Testimonies and Meetings

Furthermore, the metadata disclosed that on June 14, SBF had viewed the spreadsheet which showed the enormous negative balance and the amount of money missing. This information supported the testimonies of three cooperating witnesses – Nishad, Caroline, and Gary, who provided consistent accounts of the events. The metadata not only substantiated the witnesses’ statements but also disproved the defendant’s version of the narrative.

Additionally, the prosecution pointed out a significant Google Meet discussion on June 14, 2022, among the defendant and the aforementioned witnesses to delve into the spreadsheet’s details. The records from Google Meet showed that SBF initiated this meeting and was active for nearly 30 minutes, contradicting his claim of ignorance towards the financial discrepancies highlighted in the spreadsheet.

Image source: Shutterstock


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