Bitget has successfully registered as a VASP in Poland


bitget registers as a vasp in poland
  • Bitget has registered as a virtual asset service provider in Poland.
  • The crypto exchange had registered in Lithuania as well in April.
  • Bitget ended the first quarter with a 146% increase in BGB holders.

Bitget has successfully registered as a VASP – Virtual Asset Service Provider in Poland, the crypto exchange confirmed in a press release on Tuesday.

Bitget continues to expand in the EU region

The crypto market news reiterates that Bitget remains committed to expanding globally despite the ongoing market volatility.

Today’s development enables the crypto derivates platform to legally offer its services in/from Poland in compliance with the country’s regulations. According to its Managing Director Gracy Chen:

Regulation is future of crypto industry [for] mainstream adoption. We embrace various regulatory frameworks and actively cooperate with governmental bodies to bring upon a better ecosystem.

Bitget now serves over 8 million users across more than 100 countries/regions and boasts Lionel Messi – the famed Argentinian footballer as a partner as well.

Bitget had recently registered in Lithuania

On Tuesday, Bitget also revealed that it continues to look for opportunities to further expand its footprint in the European Union.

In April, it had successfully completed registration in Lithuania as well. In the press release today, its Managing Director Gracy Chen added:

By proactively working with policymakers and regulators across the EU and worldwide, Bitget aims to enable open access to crypto in a safe, responsible and compliant manner.

Last week, Bitget said it concluded the first quarter with a whopping 146% increase in BGB holders that helped push the token price to a record high.


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